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Deepanam School


Awareness Through the Body

Awareness through the Body is a comprehensive curriculum of exercises that aims to raise awareness and enable children – and adults as well – to become conscious of their own perceptions and abilities so that they may become self-aware, self-directed individuals. The activities are creative and often fun; they develop gradually and encourage concentration, focus, relaxation and a sense of accomplishment.

The programme works by first bringing the individual into a state of receptivity in which he can better “listen” to the many and varied inputs he is continuously receiving from both his inner and outer world. The exercises then allow him gradually to discover the complex amalgam of which he is made and to find the tools to manage this complexity effectively.

Awareness through the Body is a comprehensive curriculum of exercises that aims to raise awareness and enable children – and adults as well – to become conscious of their own perceptions and abilities so that they may become self-aware, self-directed individuals. The activities are creative and often fun; they develop gradually and encourage concentration, focus, relaxation and a sense of accomplishment.

The programme works by first bringing the individual into a state of receptivity in which he can better “listen” to the many and varied inputs he is continuously receiving from both his inner and outer world. The exercises then allow him gradually to discover the complex amalgam of which he is made and to find the tools to manage this complexity effectively.

The programme works by first bringing the individual into a state of receptivity in which he can better “listen” to the many and varied inputs he is continuously receiving from both his inner and outer world. The exercises then allow him gradually to discover the complex amalgam of which he is made and to find the tools to manage this complexity effectively.

Awareness through the Body aims to provide tools for individuals to expand their consciousness, explore the different planes of their being, discover their inner selves and, eventually, their psychic being. Along with this we want to offer individuals an opportunity to refine and internalize the senses and become aware of their own perceptions with as little outside interference as possible. Using their senses in a more complete way, free from judgement and preconceived ideas, individuals will be able to better manage their mind and emotions, to determine how to steer their own lives and to create their own “owner’s manual”.

In the course of our work eight basic principles have evolved, impacting our lives as well as our work with the children. Though some of the principles may appear similar, each offers a different perspective. The witness attitude, the observer within, permeates all of the principles. These principles are the main tools we use to guide our classes, and at the same time they are the central aspects of awareness which we want the children to develop. The principles fall into two groups; the first three are the basic assumptions with which we work, the last five are guidelines for the work.

We are complex beings and all our different planes are interrelated.

  • Teaching, as well as learning, is always a dialogue

  • Everything is an opportunity for expanding awareness.

  • Be in the moment without taking anything for granted.

  • Take, give and expect the appropriate amount of responsibility.
  • Teaching, as well as learning, is always a dialogue.

  • Everything is an opportunity for expanding awareness.

  • Be in the moment without taking anything for granted.

  • Take, give and expect the appropriate amount of responsibility.

  • Find your own pace and inner patterns.

  • Become aware of the inner and outer space simultaneously.

  • Find your own subjective sensory landmarks.
    • Find your own pace and inner patterns.


    • Become aware of the inner and outer space simultaneously.


  • Find your own subjective sensory landmarks.