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Deepanam School

Frequently Asked Questions

What age children can attend Deepanam?

Children from ages 7-14 can attend Deepanam. For further details please check our About Us page (link inserted)

What are the school timings?

Light Group (7 and 8 year old): 8:30 am – 2:00 pm; Sports 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm
Peace Group (9 and 10 year olds): 8:30 am – 3:00 pm; Sports 3:30 pm – 4:30 pm
Grace Group (11 and 12 year olds): 8:30 am – 3:00 pm; Sports 3:30 pm – 4:30 pm
Faith & Hope Group (13 and 14 year olds): 8:30 am – 3:00 pm; Sports 3:30 pm – 4:30 pm

What curriculum does Deepanam follow?

We follow an open, integral curriculum developed from inputs from teachers and parents. This is an evolving curriculum and taken in consideration the learning requirements of the child. 

Is Deepanam affiliated with an Indian or International board? Will my child be able to appear in 10th or 12th after Deepanam?

Deepanam is not affiliated with an Indian or International board. After graduating from Deepanam, class 8, children can follow a variety of options through Auroville Schools – CBSE, IgSCE, NIOS

Do children have mid term or annual examination in Deepanam? 

There are no formal examinations in Deepanam. Assessment is done on observing progress in child’s social skills, emotional regulation, physical development,creativity, independence and concentration.

What are the class sizes at Deepanam?

Our class sizes are designed to be small so that each child is given individual attention and the teachers can help them according to their unique needs. We maintain a healthy teacher to student ratio and children spend time with different teachers during the day on different activities.

Does the school have a sports facility?

Auroville schools have a common sports facility called Dehashakti. Deepanam children have mandatory sports in afternoons

Do you offer lunch?

Who can get admission to Deepanam?

We serve the community of Auroville. Children of residents of Auroville (Aurovillians and Newcomers) attend Deepanam. However, space permitting, admission can be offered to children of volunteers who work in Auroville and are committed to staying in for a minimum of 1-year period

What are your fees?

Please write to for up-to-date information on the fee structure for current academic year

How do I apply for my child’s admission to Deepanam?

Please refer to the main Admissions page