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Deepanam School


 People & Cultural Diversity – Muthuvans

Usually the subject of Anthropology is not introduced in the classroom until College. However, the children of Faith group with the help of experts like Dr. Thanuja got an opportunity to carry out this research expedition. It helped students understand different cultures and the history of it from a different perspective. Being in Auroville, there is diversity within the classroom, with students from different parts of the world. It was wonderful to see them appreciating each other’s culture through the subject. It was with the guidance of experts, that the team could conceptualize and plan the project of this scale. This was a learning experience that has stayed with the children, beyond their Deepanam years

 People & Cultural Diversity – from Araku valley

In 2020, this research study by the children of Faith group was funded by PCG and Foundation for World Education. Under the expert vision of their guide Dr. Thanuja, the children explored deeper questions in context of anthropology – is it possible to have sustainable living? Can we nurture and nourish from nature ensuring sustainability? What kind of lifestyle should one have? Is subsistence a bad thing? To probe answers to these questions, the group studied Katki village in Araku valley inhabited by Nooka Dora Adivasi group who fought against their land alienation from mining companies